Well, I must say I'm disappointed. No, that's not strong enough. Pissed off? Maybe. I went in to get my Kobe steaks at Atlantique today. They were part of a large (3.8 kg/8.3 lbs) chunk of meat that had been vacuum packed. Werner the counter guy informed me that he would be charging $120/kg. That is about CDN$54/lb. Mighty steep. Upon looking at the cut, I immediately noticed that, unlike the cuts I'd seen in Japan, this wasn't heavily marbled — no, all the fat was in two huge veins running throught the entire cut.
I asked him to make me three one-inch steaks and then trim them. Of course, he acted offended, and told me that the fat was the best part and most of it would render off. Well, to him, the fat was just as golden as the rest of the steaks, obviously. I, not being a confrontationalist, kept it to myself and let him slice it up.
The three steaks came to — get this — $200. Upon looking at them — judge for youyrself — I calculate fully one third of them is just a big slab of inedible fat. Umm, that's $66 worth of fat . . . a new record.
The most expensive fat I've ever bought.
I'll let you know how they were, but they'd better be good. Very, very good.